Sustainable Agriculture, Food Security and Fighting Climate Change
Ellipse 3

Sustainable Agriculture

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1 pistachio e1704609563255

Improving the Produce Quality

Given the importance of agriculture section  in development, employment and national food security, the role of innovation and modern technologies in agricultural industry has become more important than ever. One unrenewable capital belonging to all of the inhabitants of the Earth is soil.

 As time passed and soil fertility decreased, farmers decided to use chemical substances such as fertilizers and a number of other measures to compensate for soil poverty and get more yield.  But these actions also had the exact adverse result in the long run and brought many risks and negative consequences.  In this regard and considering the reduction of cultivated area and destruction of lands, the Nano Vahed Sanat Persia Company has come to help the farmer by using BioGME technology (products based on organic substances) which, by improving the soil and purifying water, reducing salinity and lime in the soil, increasing biological activity in the soil and streamlining the life cycles (carbon and nitrogen cycles) and as a result, increasing the organic carbon in the soil bed,  provides a suitable environment for the establishment and growth of plants.  The outcomes of BioGME technology on crops include creating a suitable substrate for root expansion, increasing the absorption of water and salts by the roots, and as a result, increasing yield per unit area, higher product quality, greater seed weight, higher fruit weight, etc.

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